Clone Soldiers Timeline

2094: After the first intergalactic pact was signed, five Humans war heroes were approached and asked by the finest minds of the Prossawin race to aloud them to use their genetic seed for a Clone Project that could one day save their race from extinction, those five selected soldiers were all from different classes and were about to be the foundation of the next evolution of the Human race. Mack Phenix, Jo Phenix, Bob Blazko, Jake D, and Tina Bastet all accepted the offer of having an eternal bloodline of soldiers created based on their image and following the same class's path as theirs.

2100: The five Human heroes receive multiple genetic modifications and successfully pass all Prossawin tests, this marks the beginning of the project Clone Soldier.

2993: During the reunion of the Zally of Light creation, General Mack Phenix declared that the project "Clone Soldier" was almost finished and once it's done would leave his role as the Human’s Commander to fill the role of Clone Soldier Commander, telling the Commander of the Cy F Series and Prossawin race when he will do so he would give his current role to John Raynor and would join the Zally of Light as the fourth race, both Commander accepted and the Cy F Series accepted to join the faction.

3003: The project Clone Soldiers was declared a success with the help of the Prossawin technology, "Mack Phenix" took the role of Clone Soldier Commander and left with the first ten thousand soldiers and the four other war heroes to establish their mother base on a planet in a nearby system, before leaving he gave his role of Human Commander to "John Raynor" so he can replace him as the next leader of the Human race, something John was waiting for years.

3047: The Clone Soldier race has fully built their mother base on the planet called Yazis inside the solar system CS4 and has also built planetary defenses on all the planets inside their solar system.

3060: The Clone Soldier race now has more than 2 million soldiers ready to fight and reinforce the Zally of Light faction.

(This event in the Clone Soldier history is called "A Gateway In Hell".)

3166: Three generals' signatures were needed to start the research on a newfound artifact, General "Kalton", General "Freeman" and General Blazko and their regiments in respective orders "Lone Wolves", "Rebel Resist" and "The Order" respond to the request call for signatures to validate a transfer of a strange artifact found on the planet Mars by a searching team. The scientist team from Mars told us they would like to study the artifact inside a laboratory but the protocol asked that at least three generals all from different regiments need to examine the artifact before it can be brought inside any cities for deeper analysis, the three generals told to their personal scientist to examine the so-called artifact but every diagnostic was the same and no anomaly or power was detected inside the artifact, the scientist team from mars did not seem to care if it was an artifact or just a regular stone they just wanted the damn thing, the three General gave their authorization to bring in the stone for further study.

3168: Ever since the studies on the artifact began, the personal workers, soldiers, and civilians on the planet Mars as been infected by a new unknown virus that turns everyone extremely aggressive to the point, that they would mutilate themselves and murder any life form to feed on it, after multiple tests on infected subject, the medical team from mars discovered that at the end of the third months if the subject hasn't fed itself the infected go in a deep sleep until he smells a prey to feed on it. The planet leader couldn't contain the outbreak and had to call in backup the 3 Generals that authorized this artifact's transfer knowing they would be obliged to answer and come help them out.

3169: When the three Generals arrive on the planet Mars they immediately realize what they are dealing with, the Skorde of Corruption was attacking the planet Mars, but not by space, somehow they were already on the planet slaying everyone. The three generals did not have any seconds to lose, they sent a message in the Zally planetary defense chat, saying "The planet Mars seems to be unable to broadcast any external call outside their planet range and all communication has been cut off, the planet is getting invaded by the Skorde RIGHT NOW! We are currently three regiments reinforcing the ongoing attack on Mars and we are asking for backup, the regiments are "Wolves", "Rebel Resist" and "The Order", we are going to land on the planet with a total of 34000 souls."
May the light be with us! - Kalton"

3171: The guild The Order changed their name to the Order 77, When "General" Blazko came back from hell as he said himself, he told everyone that he saw while on vacation in a hellish world how to destroy the evil forces in Mars once and for good, he and the last souls of the planet somehow manage to take back all colonies built on the planet that was taken by the Skorde of Corruption mainly up against Screamiack and Elish forces, some consider Blazko to be blessed by the Gods of light, others simply call him a demi-god, but one thing for sure he has spent more time inside the Elish world than anyone on the planet, some say the man who came back was not the same man who left.

(This event in the Clone Soldier history is called "Unknown Combat Enemy".)

3893: General Jake D and many other Generals from multiple regiments were sent on a mission inside the galaxy “Ulish” system “LST-C” to claim and capture a mechanical planet named "CE-12", these mechanical planets are extremely rare and known to host many hidden rooms with puzzles to solve and panels that can be used to activate a planetary weapon that has the power to strike any planets in its solar system. When the Zally arrive on "CE-12" they saw the Horde of Corruption fighting against a hostile parasite never seen before named “Parasite P” that apparently can take control of any dead bodies and reanimate them as an infected mindless killing machine. General Jake D made a squad with some of the best souls from his regiment to help him focus on the main objective, which was, to activate all panels that control the planetary canon and destroy a planet controlled by the “Skorde of Corruption” inside the system.

3902: After 9 long years of intense battle on "CE-12" General Jake D understood, that he and the remaining forces of the Zally on the planet would not be able to complete the mission they were sent for, he decided to destroy the mechanical planet and escaping with his remaining forces. The last message sent in the Des.Net from General Jake D - This is General Jake D, we couldn't destroy the mechanical planet "CE-12" and we lost all advantage position, my regiment and I are the last survivors on the planet and we have no other choice but to escape this cursed planet, we will try to warp our selves out with our last remaining spaceship to the nearest Zally Colonie, Jake D out.

(This event in the Clone Soldier history is called "A Hidden Stone Among Us".)

4401: General Tina Bastet and General Jo X respond to a distress call sent from the system “TN-24” on the planet "PP-47", a colony established by the Zally of Light during the great colonization. When the two war heroes arrived with their regiments they saw that the Skorde of Corruption had already taken 75% of the territories on the planet, General Tina Bastet went with her regiment to secure a fallen region that contained multiple factory buildings and plenty of resources field that if the alliance would control it could turn back the tide of the ongoing war, General Jo X sent squads of her regiment on every ongoing frontline and help the many souls that were defending one of the
last friendly regions on the planet.

4406: After six years of fighting the Zally of Light only succeeded in regaining control of 60% of the
total regions on "PP-47".

4408: After the help of many random souls and reinforcement from many strong regiments, the two war heroes came up with a plan and created many objectives that if completed would lead to the destruction of the Horde's home region on this planet, they gather up most of the regiments and executed their plan with success. After inspecting the enemy's home region the Zally discovered that the Skorde found a Stone of Legacy on this planet that the Zally did not discover when first searching the planet and they have successfully sent it into their database, the two war heroes left the planet furious knowing they have failed their mission even if the planet was back in the Zally of Light control.

4900: The application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The Season Zero of the Stones of Legacy race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current Stones of Legacy will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones including the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favor your race or faction."

4999: Cypher manages to pick up a nearby signal from a Stones of Legacy a year before season zero ends, knowing this would be the last chance they would get to find and learn a new power during season zero, Raynor, Alaniz, Cypher, and Phenix went with their personal guilds/clans and many other regiments lead by various war heroes and new souls. Locating the planet named "Hyruzac" inside the system “SP-6”, finding the stone before the season finishes, and not letting the Skorde of Corruption study the ancient knowledge of the stone was now the primary mission of everyone in the faction.