Cy F Series Early Timeline

In the year -1110, four unique robots with the rank of war heroes named Cypher, Gunsam, Oilter, and Eveless received a signal directly from the “Dess Net” to reactivate themself and execute two missions. The four robots have been waiting in "sleep mode" for more than 1400 years inside a ginormous underground vacant factory built inside the galaxy “Koalo”, system “DOE-3”, planet “Trackallx“. Each one of them was created with different types of bodies and specializations and were all designed to excel in various types of scenarios but none of them at the ability to talk to each other from distances as their mind were not linked together, they quickly understood that they would have to rely on the Dess Net application for a lot of purposes including communication, source of knowledge and sharing data in between themself or any other race they would like to ally with. After being reactivated the four robots couldn't remember anything from their previous missions or what happened to their army before they went into sleep mode, their only memories left were their new missions and strange symbols resembling the letter F. Cypher, Gunsam, Oilter, and Eveless all decided to create an army resembling themselves and brand it with the letter "F" to let their creator know they are still alive and make him proud. The four robots quickly discovered and analyzed that no "Hostile Races" or "Intelligent Races" was living on this planet and so the four war heroes quickly started to reproduce their personality and their knowledge in robots with their appearance to achieve their two primary missions, "Join A Faction At War" and
"Participating In A Galactic Warfare".

-1111: The production of the four “F Series” armies has begun.

-0800: After spending centuries creating many variations of combat infantry and vehicle models plus studying all the knowledge from the "Dess Net” public data bank the four leaders of the F Series left with their newly created armies looking for a system where they could find an ongoing war or a faction to join and fulfill their objective. Before parting ways to accomplish their mission Cypher, Gunsam, Oilter, and Eveless agreed even with some not in favor to contact each other in case of a possible chance of achieving their primary objective.

-0782: Oilter wanted to test out his newly created models of armored vehicles so he and his army named the “Oil F Series” went to examine a life signal they have picked up inside the Galaxie: Doakos, system: MA-12.

-0740: While exploring the galaxy “Koalo”, Gunsam found a hostile race called “Longvers” inside the system “LOA-17”, planet “Jalala”. With no chance of achieving his main objective, Gunsam decided to count this as a secondary objective and decided to fight alone against the Longvers race on “Jalala“. While fighting Gunsam and his army the “Gun F Series” learned that the enemy prefers to attack in zerg pack using short-range and melee weapons and that they specialize in utility vehicles just like Gunsam.

-0736: After Gunsam and his army manage to kill all “Longvers” on the planet “Jalala”, Gunsam was able to hack into a terminal of the enemy and see the map of many systems throughout numerous galaxies that were colonized by the “Longvers”, the total population of this hostile race was counted in billions throughout many galaxies, Gunsam knew that following this signal would mean engaging more conflict and that was exactly what he wanted, hoping to stumble upon a massive faction war, Gunsam and his army the "Gun F Series" left the galaxy “Koalo“ to continue their mission.

-0701: Oilter and his army the “Oil F Series” found a hostile race without faction called the “Jambonie” inside the galaxy “Doakos“, system “MO-12“ planet “Malazie”, Oilter decided to attack without mercy this vicious race with the primary mission of stealing their “Dess Net” data bank information in order to give him a head start for his main objective.

-0682: Oilter and his army manage to terminate all “Jambonie” on the planet ”Malazie“ and found out about a war was currently raging inside the galaxy “Jeeblez”, Oilter decided to go and see if this conflict was worthy to fit his main mission.

-0233: While roaming in the galaxy “Koalo”, Eveless detected a strong signal that could be from multiple species without doubly consulting any of her warning software she and her army the “Ev F Series” directly went for the signal they have found.

0111: Cypher and his army the “Cy F Series” was quietly flying through galaxies studying the cosmos and discovering its many secrets while waiting for a message from one of the other F Series war heroes.

1450: While exploring the galaxy “Saillax”, the “Cy F Series” met an intelligent race named the Prossawin, currently rebuilding their strength and their army, one of their last remaining war heroes in this race sent a request to speak with Cypher in person. The leader Alaniz from the Prossawin race invited Cypher and his army to join the faction the “Zally of Light” which he refused because there was currently not enough race inside the faction to meet the requirement that the mission Cypher was currently pursuing. He told Alaniz to come back the day they would find two extra races willing to join the faction and he will reconsider the offer.

1704: Eveless and her army the “Ev F Series” found a race inside the galaxy “Vandalim”, they were part of a powerful faction, quickly realizing all the potential she could achieve and boosting the chance of achieving her primary mission, Eveless did not think twice and she with her army joined the faction without transmitting any information to her three brothers.

1899: After Gunsam and his army took back hundreds of systems from the “Longvers” race they found an unusual signal coming far away in the cosmos, Cypher was wondering if this could be a signal sent from his creator. without warning any of the other war heroes from the “F Series” he decided to leave this galaxy and follow the signal.

1913: Oilter and his army decided to retreat from the galaxy "Jeeblez" now knowing after many centuries of fighting against the “Jambonie” that exterminating all colonies would take more than 20,000 years if he would lead this mission alone with his army. Oilter has tested out enough models and made enough upgrades and fixes on his army, he now wants to find a stronger enemy to fight against and he decided to leave in another galaxy.

2131: Cypher tried to call Eveless, Oilter, and Gunsam but only Oilter answered the call sent from the Dess Net, they were able to exchange all the data they had found since they left the galaxy “Koalo”. Cypher told his brother that a race named the Prossawin was slowly building a faction that could be worthy of their objectives, the two brothers said they would get in touch if they had any new information about their primary mission and said farewell.

2993: Cypher and his army the “Cy F Series” joined the “Zally of Light” faction.

2994: Cypher called Oilter and told him that he had just joined a faction and that he thinks he should come too, Oilter told him he would be coming after he had finished a little war he had started inside the galaxy Yayuno.

3070: Cypher lends more than 10 billion units of his army to help the “Zally of Light” push back the “Skorde of Corruption” faction inside multiple systems.

4411: Cypher and multiple other war heroes from all races of the faction were attacking the system CO-09 inside the galaxy “Milky Way“when a Major named Kyle Korris came to talk to “Cypher” about the spirits of Missmars, Cypher couldn't stop himself from listening and he understood that this Terran custom was essentially created for passing time together and reunite with friends and love ones. Cypher took this custom very to heart as he knows what it feels like to be separated from his family, he sent a message drone to the enemy war hero that was leading the attack on the planet they were on, the message was asking for a truce of one hour to remember the lost souls and cherish the one we still have around us, lord Bawlzas leader of the current invasion agreed and this custom and it was forever kept in practice every 25 of December.

4800: Oilter sent a pre-recorded message via the Dess Net to Cypher telling him not to wait for him for dinner but that he still coming. Cypher replied to the message back by telling him that he better hurry up and that he has a feeling that the time to complete their primary objective was imminent.

4900: The application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The "Season Zero" of the "Stones of Legacy" race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current "Stones of Legacy" will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones including the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favor your race or faction."

4999: Cypher manages to pick up a nearby signal from a “Stones of Legacy” a year before season zero ends, knowing this would be the last chance they would get to find and learn a new power during season zero, Raynor, Alaniz, Cypher, and Phenix went with their personal guilds/clans and many other regiments lead by various war heroes and new souls. Locating the planet named "Hyruzac" inside the system SP-6, finding the stone before the season finishes, and not letting the Skorde of Corruption study the ancient knowledge of the stone was now the primary mission of
everyone in the faction.