Des’Orc Timeline

Unknown Date: The “Campaign of Conversion” led by Yogkda has begun.

0014: By the end of the rebellion against Yogkda, Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko rallied multiple war heroes and regiments to organize a plan to kill and break free from the oppressive chains of their heretic Warchief. By a miracle, Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko manage to trap and kill Yogkda inside the "Sanctuary of Lop", who was currently holding the title of the Warchief of their species and by doing so ending the open rebellion that was devastating their own forces for more than eight centuries. After defeating their former Warchief, the three war heroes, Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko, came to a consensus to share the title of Warchief and collaborate on all important decisions regarding the future of their race to prevent any similar incidents from happening again." As they were agreeing on the last detail of their pact, a portal appeared and swallowed the wall next to Goultar, inside of it came some sort of a shape asking everyone in the room if they knew how to get back home, and who they truly were, frustrated by the interruption, Goultar thru is lav axe at the weird shape but before the axe had time to fly back in his hand, the shape had vanished. Gwarla proposes to stop the current massacre which was aiming to eradicate their own kind, and that they should go back to their home planet which Goultar and Grosko agreed. The three Warchiefs came out of the "Sanctuary of Lop" where their own regiments with hundreds of war heroes and random soldiers were waiting for them, all cheering the death of their worst nightmare. As they started their first speech as new Warchiefs they were interrupted by a sudden loss of words and emotion, for a complete minute, all soldiers on the planet "Liepourtoi" were not moving, not talking, their minds were completely blank, a minute as past, and the three Warchiefs continued their speech just as if this minute of silence had never happened, telling to everyone they will pull back from this planet all forces and go back to their home planet, but when someone shouted from the crowd where home was, the three Warchiefs couldn't answer, somehow parts of their memories were gone, erased from their head, same as the memories of all the soldiers on the planet, erase and gone. This includes recipes and the knowledge of how to produce most of their items, weapons, vehicles, and defensive structures but also the location of their home planet and the name of their own species. Knowing that something was wrong and someone was probably manipulating their heads they adopted a defensive stance and didn't waste any time to start reinventing all their military equipment and vehicles in case they got attacked by an unknown force.

0024: A hostile race called “Yajoulo” was scanning the galaxy “OTTAS” and found a life signal on the planet “Liepourtoi” when the scouting patrol entered the atmosphere of the planet. Grosko was already executing his plan flawlessly by redeploying inside the region where the patrol was expected to land and "HellDrop" with two of his best "Darklock" souls to the nearest friendly satellite to create a portal to summon veterans soldiers from his regiments. Grosko and his regiments took the hostile patrol as prisoners with ease, when searching the prisoners they found a strange electronic device bolted to their harms which they decided to cut out and study the device to see if they would be able to reverse engineer its mechanics and trace back the "Yajoulo" home planet. After six months of intense torture, the five "Yajoulo" prisoners died from the severe injuries inflicted upon them during their brutal interrogation by Grosko without giving any information. A month later, a member of Gwarla's regiment found how to use the electronic device and its function, it was a powerful signal that needed to be connected to a soul but nothing more could be learned until one of us connected with it. Gwarla was called upon first, she decided to tell the other Warchiefs so they could decide if they would connect to this so-called powerful signal.

0025: The three Warchiefs all agreed that they should connect to the device and see if this strange signal could hold information about their history, like the name of their species or their home planet's location. Goultar was the first to try the device found on the “Yajoulo” prisoners, using it made appeared in front of him a floating digital window with a green interface, on it was a message telling him, "Welcome to the "Dess Net", you are the first of your specie to connect to its signal, please wait while we create a data bank only accessible to your specie" a loading bar appeared saying, "Species Analysis". He asks Gwarla and Grosko "Are you seeing what I'm seeing, there's a floating digital window that keeps following me, even if I move, do you see it?" They both answered no, his loading into the "Dess Net" was complete and the name of their specie was revealed to Goultar, his confused facial expression changed to the loudest laugh, telling Gwarla and Grosko that it was safe to put on the Dess Net device. Together they discover their name the "Des'Orc", they also find some history about their species written inside a public folder in the "Dess Net" data bank uploaded by a race named "Kousis" claiming they have fought against them but the information about their home planet location and their species background information was not uploaded to the "Dess Net" data public bank. Feeling frustrated that they were stranded on a planet with no action, stuck in a defensive state because of some ghost who never came back, separated from the rest of their specie who were lucky enough to not cross their paths and be turned into a slave by Yogkda during its "campaign of conversion". Goultar knows there are a lot more regiments still out there in the galaxy and they are likely engaged in epics "world warfare invasions". He told Gwarla and Grosko that if they used the "Galaxy World Map" from the "Dess Net" application they would be able to navigate with precision to each system and find back their home planet or at least a system where other Des'orcs may have built defensive planet so they can ask information, and share the information about this new application they have found. The three Warchiefs decided to mass produce the "Dess Net" device so everyone in the army could equip one, giving the ability to every Des'orcs to speak to each other even across long distances thru a "Global Chat", "Planetary Chat", and a "Region Chat", but also to secure information with no effort and prepare better for when it comes down to war tactics in between regiments. All Des'Orc left the planet "Liepourtoi" in search of their home planet and the rest of their species.

(This marks the end of the "Campaign of Conversion" Event)

0040: While searching for their own kind in the galaxy "OTTAS," the Des'Orcs encountered a hostile species called "Vempara." The Des'Orcs uploaded the information they gathered about the Vempara species into their "Dess Net" data bank so that all Des'Orcs would be aware that the Vempara were intelligent creatures that preferred to live in the dark and hunt in packs. Grosko and Gwarla decided to launch an attack on the Vempara species in order to take over multiple habitable planets and exploit resources, as well as establish more defensive planets in the galaxy while Goultar and many other regiments and random souls continue their main quest of finding their home planet.

0084: After stabilizing the war against the "Vempara," and successfully capturing and converting enough planets into tier 3 defensive planets. The two Warchief decided to depart from the ongoing invasion against the "Vempara", Grosko and Gwarla entrusted the role of "Invasion Commander" to two of the most skilled war heroes named "Rajjorck" and "Harlo", which were currently participating in the invasion.

0093: Gwarla and Grosko have reunited with Goultar to assist him in accomplishing their primary objective.

0099: The trio of Warchiefs stumbled upon a decaying spaceship near the system TG-5233 in the "OTTAS" galaxy. Upon scanning the abandoned vessel, their ship's AI detected two different types of life signals aboard, and an analysis of the ship's materials revealed that 80% of the ship was made from Des'Orc scrap metal. They decided to personally inspect the spaceship, as they were seeking answers and did not want to miss anyone who might know the location of their home planet. They quickly discovered that the ship was infested with thousands of "Brulguz" a species known to devour spaceship material and attack anyone they saw, Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko sent back all their troops to defend their spaceship in case the "Brulguz" tried to eat their ship. They continued only with a handful of soldiers through the many levels of the decaying infested ship, in search of the second type of life signal their ship scanner had found. Upon reaching the bottom they located a quad blast door with the first three eaten by the epidemic of "Brulguz". Not sure what they would find behind the door, The three Warchiefs defended the area while their last soldiers were unsealing the door and what they found when the last blast door was opened was, one soldier, one Des'Orc was still alive, his name was Rizlof He was a veteran, warrior driver and the last alive of his regiments, he told everyone that he would explain everything once they are out of this dying ship. Five Des'Orc soldiers died while escaping back to their mothership and escorting Rizlof, he told to the three Warchiefs that his spaceship engine had stopped working and they sent many distress calls but no one came. After five years of drifting in space a Zerg pack of "Brulguz" found us and they started to eat our ship, they kept coming until they were inside and we had to fight against them in close quarters combat scenario. Rizlof also revealed how he manages to survive for 323 years alone in this room and that he was one of the pilots from the ship, and he remembers perfectly the way home and he even has the coordinate with him. The three Warchiefs were stoked by the good news and they've changed their direction towards their home planet to meet the rest of their species.

1006: Once they've reached the planet: Logtorg, inside the system: YOR-22, they were greeted by a vast expanse of sandy desert and old ruins, with no sign of bodies or any remains of civilization. Rizlof was sure of his notes and confirmed that they were on their home planet, he asked the three Warchiefs "What's going on with you guys, you're all acting as if you lost you're memories or something". Goultar explained what happened on the planet "Liepourtoi” and Rizlof understood, he refreshed their memories by telling them that the mother base and all structures on the home planet were built underground because the temperature of the planet had been manipulated to create a never-ending sandstorm of fire. This was primarily made to prevent any invaders from settling bases, you see the weather will make any construction built on the ground level of the planet decay within three days. Once Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko arrived inside the spaceship hangar at their mother base, they were greeted by soldiers and shown the way as if everyone knew their new status and were expecting them, none of the soldiers who were escorting them talked or answered their questions. When they entered the Warchief chamber, a single massive orange orc was waiting for them, he turned around and started to yell incantation so loud that all soldiers were thrown out leaving only the three Warchiefs and Rizlof inside the room. Grosko replied by casting spells on the possessed Warchief of the planet, but he quickly understood that this guy would take much more power to be destroyed or if they wanted to cleanse him from this curse. Outside the chamber wall, we could hear screams of war, the many regiments that were following the three Warchiefs including their own were getting attacked by an army of now-possessed orcs. Time was not on their side if they wanted to save their regiments, so the four war heroes fought as fast as they could, by trying to speedrun the battle inside the Warchief chamber. After three days of intense nonstop battle against the possessed Warchief, and four attempts to break the curse they understood, they would not be able to save him and had no choice but to cast his soul out of his body and destroy it. They were able to defeat him after the fourth day and at the very same time, all battle sounds coming from the other side of the wall stopped, they opened the door of the Warchief chamber and saw their soldiers staring at the other orcs who were now free from the curse and wondering what they were doing a minute before. Goultar screamed, "We have come to save you, my brothers and sisters, and now we will rebuild our strength and conquer all galaxies within our reach!!", everyone cheered including Gwarla, Grosko, and Rizlof.

1010: “Rajjorck” and “Harlo” as eliminated and capture all the planets belonging to the “Vempara” species inside the galaxy “OTTAS”, giving a total of 104 planets controlled by the Des’Orc inside this galaxy.

1020: After the Warchiefs replenished their troops in their regiments were back to full force, Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko went back into space to start their first conquest together as their own respective regiments learned how to work and organize attacks together which they discovered to be the best type of tactic that can be used when invading a fortified hostile planet.

1030: Commencing their conquest, the three Warchiefs detected a life signal within the AA-901 system of the "OTTAS" galaxy. Driven by curiosity, they decided to invade the planet where the life signal originated, known as "Nanoda". The planet was under the control of a hostile species known as "Yayopa", with only a tier 1 planetary defense system the Des'Orc knew they could invade the planet by brute force without any strong resistance. It didn't take time for the Warchiefs of the Des'Orc to set up a home region inside the "Louta" Region and start launching operations to capture its many territories.

1032: While the siege on the last region controlled by the "Yayopa" was occurring, Grosko sensed that a new powerful hostile species had just arrived on the planet but he didn't know who they were or where they could have landed. While The three Warchiefs were fighting on the frontline, a backline region was getting invaded by a race called "Elish". Grosko quickly reacted upon seeing multiple soldiers from the backline region of "Mousda" typing in capital letters in the "Intel World Chat", urgently reporting that they were under assault by an unfamiliar species. Grosko and his regiment decided to redeploy to the home region and then teleport inside the backline region that was getting attacked, their mission was to restock the "Storage Depot", and to feed all strategic towns inside the territories of the region with supplies and reinforce its defenses. He could sense that the upcoming conflict against this new hostile species would prove to be significantly more demanding than the previous battle against the "Yayopa".  Nearly two weeks later, Grosko sent a request for reinforcements to the other Warchiefs. Gwarla and their regiments willingly answered the call, while Goultar remained to complete the final siege against the "Yayopa". More than 560 regiments including the two Warchief regiments and approximately 32000 random soldiers were now attacking the single territory that the "Elish" had captured inside the region "Mousda". Once all "Yayopa" was eradicated from the planet, Goultar came to help and push back the "Elish" forces out of the planet, he organized a meeting with Grosko, and Gwarla so they could elaborate a plan to finish this fight as fast as they can. The night of the meeting came and inside the empty Warchief tent, strange shadows were dancing. Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko reached the Warchief tent, and they all immediately sensed someone very powerful was inside with them. Silkalek emerged from the shadow, accompanied by numerous "Elish" soldiers, the God of Corruption was not here to attack the trio of Warchief but rather to show them a vision, a vision of them conquering galaxies, Des'Orc fighting side by side with the "Elish" forces, against the forces of Light. He also assured them, that by joining the Skorde of Corruption faction, the Des'Orc would keep their independence and be able to resolve any fighting scenario as they please, merging with an "Elish" regiment or group is not required, every soul in the faction as the right and will forever be free to do whatever he wants regarding this subject. Silkalek asked the question to the three Warchiefs, "Will you join the Skorde of Corruption?" Goultar, Grosko, and Gwarla unanimously agreed and pledged their loyalty to the faction.

(The Des’Orc Joined the faction “Skorde of Corruption”.)

1830: The three Warchiefs embarked on separate paths to swiftly finish conquering the "OTTAS" galaxy but this time in the name of the Skorde of Corruption faction.

2242: A major shift occurred within the regiments led by Des'Orc war heroes, as now more than half of them were comprised of a diverse range of species aligned with the Skorde of Corruption faction.

2910: Goultar dispatched over 10 million Des'Orc souls to various galaxies, providing crucial support to the ongoing conflicts being fought by the Skorde of Corruption.

3240: Gwarla and Grosko joined forces once again and ventured into the galaxy known as the "Milky Way" to provide their support to Lord Bawlzas during the ambitious “Campaign of Ravanos”.

3982: Goultar and the Skorde of Corruption forces successfully established dominance over the galaxy known as "OTTAS" and then ventured into the "Milky Way" galaxy to offer his assistance to his faction.

4900: The application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The "Season Zero" of the "Stones of Legacy" race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current "Stones of Legacy" will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones including the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favor your race or faction."

4931: During the "Campaign of Ravanos" against the "Zally of Light" inside the system "OR-54," Goultar joined the fight alongside his regiments. His joy knew no bounds as he reunited with Grosko and Gwarla, reforging the unstoppable
"Trio of Sandstorm" once more.

4999: Goultar, Gwarla, and Grosko followed closely Bawlzas who was the first to sense and notify all the other species leaders in the faction about a signal from a Stone of Legacy on the planet "Hyruzac" in the SP-6 system. Every species leader, along with their regiments and many clans and random souls, rushed to the planet, eager to find the last Stone of Legacy before the end of season zero.