”Death is not the worst faith”

Elish Timeline:

-4031: The Elisk race first saw the light on a planet named “Jalisk”.

-3010: The Elisk has connected to the Dess.Net signal.

-3012: The Elisk were quick to discover many secrets still unknown to many highly intelligent races, making them one of the most intelligent species in the universe.

-2200: The Elisk race has been now wandering many galaxies for more than one thousand years and helping inferior races to push back any hostile race and invading forces, making them friendly with more than 530 races.

-1020: First encounter with the carnage left behind by one of the Gods of Corruption.

-1018: A scouting ship from the regiments of Lord “Bawlzas” has found the location of the "Corrupted Void" home planet of a god of corruption named "Silkalek". Lord "Bawlzas" demanded to talk to all war heroes and regiments leader from his race and asked their opinion because their opinion matters to him, he asked if attacking a god of corruption would be a good idea and the right thing to do. Every regiment's leaders and war heroes agreed that it would be a good idea to purge this god of corruption before he and his army corrupt too much territory inside the universe. Lord "Bawlzas" called all his allied races and asked them to meet him and join his army in one thousand years at a secret location. Time was on the side of everyone to make the right preparation in order to destroy this evil force that could one day destroy all things as we know. Lord Ballzass gave the opportunity to all his allied races to save their race and fight for their future.

-0019: No allied race showed up at the rendezvous location in order to join and help out the Elisk race in their conquest against a god of corruption.

-0020: The Elisk sent all of their best war heroes to lead the biggest Elisk army ever raised with the mission of fighting against a god of corruption named “Silkalek” and his personal army, the “Spectraliss”.

0003: The war against the “Spectraliss” army has begun in space nearby the “Corrupted Void”.

0005: The full Invasion of the “Corrupted Void” has begun.

0020: The first defended solar system from the “Corrupted Void has fallen and was taken by the Elisk.

0055: The Elisk manage to take and rebuild 50% of the solar system inside the “Corrupted Void” and all the races who didn’t come and who were watching from the Dess.net livestream application were stunned and impressed by the strength of the Elisk race.

0069: The Elisk manage to take and rebuild 75% of all the solar systems inside the “Corrupted Void” but their main objective was nowhere to be found. Silkalek was not seen once since the Elisk began their invasion Lord Bawlzas and other war heroes felt a strong power nearby but couldn't pinpoint what or from where this power was coming.

0071: The Elisk heard rumors before starting their conquest that Silkalek was regularly searching the depth of space to take control of new intelligent races and turning them into slaves for his army. One of the high-ranked Spiritualists soldiers from the regiment of Balio discovered by analyzing the atmospheric air at the place where one of the enemy's dead bodies was supposed to be lying down and understood that the spirit of the Spectraliss had the same energy as Silkalek, the Spectraliss could potentially be the first pure race created by a god of corruption and directly controlled by him. All Elish were alerted that Silkalek was probably watching them and analyzing their war tactic, but with more than 430 billion watchers on the Dess.Net streaming application across multiple galaxies it was almost sure he was already watching us, "I won stop until I found him and banish his soul for eternity!” - Balio"

0074: The presence of Corruption power was so strong that the Elisk race knew when they arrive inside the last system of the Corrupted Void that K3-6 had to be the place where Silkalek was creating, teaching, and leading his army of Spectraliss. Two weeks after the first planetary invasion, during a massive operation led by more than 500000 regiments, the communication for most of the Elisk souls suddenly stop working and Balio regiments accompanied by many other regiments and war heroes was starting to vanish without leaving any trace, sound, or message in the Dess Net faction chat. Lord Bawlzas was still alive with his personal regiment and didn’t like to see so many High Ranked regiments leaders offline all at the same time, he tried to communicate with his forces who stayed behind to rebuild newly taken planets inside the corrupted void but no one was answering, Bawlzas started to wonder if the communication was maybe manipulated by Silkalek himself since this never happens during any conquest before, he tried to use the Dess Net application, this time to see live feeds from regiments troopers who were streaming inside his army but the Dess Net live stream wasn't working, he decided to change his tactic and the objective of his regiments by telling them to stop attacking frontlines and focusing on defenses by sending many squads to fortified and hold all regions captured on the planet as he felt something wrong was about to happen.

0075: While defending the territory "Moualos" inside the region "Yaospaul" the dess net connection got reestablished by an "electrical engineer" Elisk soul working from another planet inside the system K3-6. Lord Bawlzas picks up a live transmission from Balio in which we couldn't see his face because of his helmet, as always he was rattling about himself, he told to everyone he would do another live transmission in front of everyone inside the largest captured city on the planet to reveal how Silkalek has been slayed and how could they vanquish the Spectraliss army once and for all. That was the "question of every soul" in multiple galaxies including all Elisk souls at this very moment, why would he keep us from knowing this information, the question was on everyone's mind. A lot of regiments believed that Balio and his regiment or any regiments who has disappeared with him during the last year were potentially corrupted and could be plotting something or they could be spying for the enemy on their battle strategy. Lord Ballzass and many other war heroes came to the rendez-vous well armed and as expected it was a trap set by Balio and many other corrupted regiments. At the same moment, missing regiments led by their war heroes were starting to reappear in the system K3-6, corrupted and with only two missions in mind, killing Lord Bawlzas or converting him and converting the remaining souls of the elisk race. Lord Ballzass briefly saw the face of Silkalek and knew he wouldn't be able to surpass him but he could maybe equal him in a brute force encounter, he and the rest of the Elisk souls manage to leave "Darkous City " but lost the territory to the corruption faction. With a simple hand sing Silkalek made his Spectraliss army disappear and started to only send his new favorite attacking race, the Elish. Created from Elisk DNA, Silkalek considers them as an evolution of the Elisk race in terms of physic while keeping the same attribute when it comes to force and speed.

0099: The Gods of Corruption discovered the "Stone of Eternity", a stone of legacy left behind by an unknown race in the
Milky Way, System: VE-75, Planet: Dilias.

(This event in the Elish history is called “The Blood Brother War")

0115: Having lost control of all taken planets inside the “Corrupted Void” and being chased by Balio and a horde of corrupted Elisk regiments, Lord Bawlzas and the remaining regiments of the Elisk had no choice but to retreat inside a nearby captured system called SOL-56 to fight back their corrupted brothers and sisters.

0330: Multiple high-ranked regiments led by war heroes like Nalvisk, Jalguros, Halisk, and Capito accepted the heroic mission posted by Lord Bawlzas, this mission has the sole purpose of delaying the enemy from reaching the planet "Jalisk". Inside the mission condition, Lord Bawlzas had specified that every soul who was going to accept this mission was potentially going to die, in total, more than 1220 regiments accepted the mission of defending till death the four systems named, LOI-2, GA-9, BA-3, and LA-5. Knowing that their lives would be used to provide more time for their home planet to be reinforced and that lord Bawlzas with everyone in the galaxy would be watching them throughout the "Dess Net" live-streaming app was enough to gather and give the courage to many random Elisk Soul to signup and embark in this extreme operation.

0340: The system GA-9 is under attack by the Elish race. The war hero Capito and his clan accompanied by many other regiments began their ultimate mission.

0341: The system LA-5 is under attack by the Elish race. The war hero Nalvisk and his guild accompanied by many other regiments began their ultimate mission.

0343: The system LOI-2 is under attack by the Elish race. The war hero Jalguros and his guild accompanied by many other regiments began their ultimate mission.

0344: The system BA-3 is under attack by the Elish race. The war hero Halisk and his regiments accompanied by many other regiments began their ultimate mission.

0351: The system LA-5 has been captured by the Elish race and all Elisk war heroes and regiments were reported dead.

0357: The system BA-3 has been captured by the Elish race and all Elisk war heroes and regiments were reported dead.

0359: The system LOI-2 has been captured by the Elish race and all Elisk war heroes and regiments were reported dead.

0362: The system GA-9 has been captured by the Elish race and all Elisk war heroes and regiments were reported dead.

0476: The Elish begin their assault on the home planet of the Elisk, the new invading army of Silkalek was now banging on "Jalisk" doors, they were more than 550000 regiments with 750000 corrupted war heroes accompanying the God of Corruption.

0485: Silkalek was still playing with the Elisk race by watching them kill each other, delighted by the sight he let the fight continue for another 10 years.

0495: Two years after arriving on "Jalisk", Balio and the rest of the Elish army failed the mission that was given by Silkalek which was to influence the Elisk army and their leader into corruption. Having ran out of time and failed their objective, the God of Corruption had no choice but to interfere and lead the Elish army by pushing the frontlines. Silkalek could change aspects as wanted and he decided to transform into his main attacking aspect to finish the fight against the remaining Elisk as fast as he can, he wanted to use the Elish race at their fullest power and that can only be done by having Lord Bawlzas and his last regiments joining his army.

0497: During the last stand of the territory Fungone inside the region Molisk, Lord Bawlzas saw an opportunity to attack Silkalek and maybe wound him fatally but it turns out to be just another illusion set by the God of Corruption. Before his last breath was drawn Bawlzas had two choices, die here and get his soul destroyed for eternity, this would mean he would not be able to have any more chances of saving his race from enslavement or he could join Silkalek and bere the curse of corruption with his brothers and sisters. To save his home planet from destruction Bawlzas agreed to serve the corruption and promised Silkalek that one day he will free his race from this curse and he will be the one who will decapitate him to seal each part of his body away. The corruption ritual of the soul of Lord Bawlzas took Silkalek one hundred years to perform.

0665: The “Grand Crusade of Silkalek” has begun.

0666: After spending years training his new corrupted race, Silkalek sent the Elish to conquer the void of light and destroy all souls of war heroes and soldiers from the faction of his sworn enemies. He and his Spectralisk army have been fighting against forces of light for more than ten thousand years but this time it was different, it was the first time one of the two factions had a specie strong as the Elish in their possession. Thanks to the Elish race, Silkalek now had the chance of capturing and locking away the souls of three Gods of Light and he knew that doing so could lead to a major wound to the Forces of Light. Without hesitation, he lunch the attack on the Void of Light hoping by doing so he would attract the attention of the other Gods of Corruption via a live stream from the Elish race making him obtain more commend points so he can be promoted and be superior to the other Gods of Corruption, but Gods of Corruption rarely gives out commend to each other fearing one might surpass another. It only took 50 years for Silkalek and the Elish race to invade and take control of the three first defensive planets defended by Hohtava and Valo inside the "Void of Light", with the help of Lord Bawlzas and Balio Silkalek managed to capture and sild away the souls of the two Gods of Light inside a soul prison that only Silkalek himself knows the location.

0716: With the help of Lord Bawlzas and Balio, Silkalek has managed to lock away the souls of Hohtava and Valo inside Silkaon prison, a prison of souls Silkalek has built somewhere in the unknown void.

0730: Before Silkalek armies finish the invasion on the last defended planet inside the "Void of Light" and destroy the soul of the last God of Light currently inside this galaxy, Hizashi manages to send one of his newly created races out of this galaxy with the assignment of continuing the primary mission of their creator.

1032: The Elish found a race not only with an infinite thirst for battle but also an expert in crafting melee weapons. The Des’Orc was the most savage race they have encountered since the beginning of their galactic conquest, they excel at fighting in heavy heat conditions and they have left all planets they attack into a ball of sand. Lord Bawlzas of the Elish sent 3 elite squads of Darklock & Assasins on an infiltration mission into the orc main camp, they had to corrupt the mind of all the leaders to make them see the true power that the Skorde could bring them, in a matter of weeks, the three main leaders of the Dess'Orc “Goultar” “Goulzas” and “Gwarla”, lost all intention of fighting and wanted to join the Skorde of Corruption willingly.

1311: The Skorde of Corruption discovered the "Stone of Souls", a stone of legacy left behind by an unknown race in the Galaxie: Milky Way, System: NI-75, Planet: Jingofa.

1998: the Skorde of Corruption was fighting in a galaxy named “Yezon”, they discover a race called Zagnid, they specialized in aircraft and had the potential to make new technological advancements for the Horde, but the Zagnid didn't want to join the Skorde and fought for a century against them. After losing multiple solar systems and having their Home Planet discovered, "Zagnara" the mother of the Zagnid army decided and agreed to join the Skorde of Corruption and fight side by side with the Elish & the Des’Orc to prevent her race from getting exterminated.

2000: The Elish race sent 35 billion souls into numerous galaxies the support the ongoing conquest and help in searching for the Prossawin specie or any other race created by the Forces of Light.

2420: Nelisko, a hero of the Elish war, was confident in his and his regiment's ability to confront the recently discovered Terran race, who had taken over the planet "Gowninga." However, Silkalek believed in creating a new race by utilizing the body of a deceased Terran General. After learning that the Terrans were using the power of light but were not born from it, Silkalek informed the other races in his faction that the Prossawin were no longer alone in their alliance, and the annihilation of the Terran race was declared a primary mission. Nelisko and his regiment hold a deep grudge against Silkalek.

3650: The Skorde of Corruption has undergone massive losses by The Zally of Light during the “Grand Crusade of Silkalek” inside the galaxies “Milky Way”, due to a new enemy specie who has joined the forces of light.

4408: The Skorde of Corruption discovered the "Stone of Trust", a stone of legacy left behind by an unknown race in the Galaxie: Milky Way, System: LD-75, Planet: Dragmolo.

4411: Lord Bawlzas agreed to follow the condition proposed by Cypher a leader from one of the races inside the
Zally of Light faction and he indeed to make everyone respect this agreement.

4900: The Dess.net application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The "Season Zero" of the "Stones of Legacy" race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current "Stones of Legacy" will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones reincluding the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favor your race or faction."

4999: Lord Bawlzas was the first to sense and notify all the other specie leaders in the faction about a signal from a Stone of Legacy on the planet "Hyruzac" in the SP-6 system. Every specie leader, along with their regiments and many clans and random souls, rushed to the planet, eager to find the last Stone of Legacy before the end of season zero.