Prossawin Timeline

Before the 1st millennium, three gods of light were chosen and sent on a mission to imprison a god of corruption before he destroyed multiple galaxies, Hizashi and his two sons Valo & Hohtava had the mission of creating a race of fighters capable of stopping and annihilating the army of Silkalek and destroying his homeland the "Corrupted Void". Knowing that is enemy's main forces are spectralisk and cant be killed a regular way they had to develop an army not only good in frontline attack but also an army capable of producing and using magical weapons, spells, and magical items, their enemy was never resting in achieving greater powers, they knew time was not on their side.

(This event in the Prossawin history is called "First Light in the Net, Was It A Lie Father")

0097: The Gods of Light discovered the "Stone of Eternity", a stone of legacy left behind by an unknown race in the
Galaxie: Milky Way, System: VE-75, Planet: Dilias.

0105: The first attempt at making the perfect race was created by Hohtava, having the same kind of features as the spectralisk army of Silkalek but they were lacking in speed, sending is army to the slaughter they held 75 years in a brutal battle and only manage to conquer one of the fourth planets around the "Corrupted Void".

0262: The second attempt was done by Valo using an element of himself he created an army both strong and fast, thinking that merging the remaining army of its brother for the magical side of its army would be enough, they fought for 180 years, and manage to capture 3 planets around the "Corrupted Void" before their army were both destroyed.

0450: Hizashi showed his sons how to control their power and fusion together, it's only from this form that you can take the element from you and create the perfect race, so they retried to make it better than the last time but this time stronger, faster and more intelligent so they can have a better understanding of magic use, but their father was not satisfied by the result and destroy their work.

0610: Hizashi was not happy with his own results in making the perfect race and despite both of his sons telling him not to, he exterminated more than 10 billion soldiers that he created, telling his sons every time we are sending a soul to them they feeding on it and getting better in fighting against us, we said only when we will have the best fighting race ever created we will attack them not before.

0666: During the worst possible time the horde of corruption attacked the Void of Light defenses planets with a new race called the Elish, managing to conquer three planets in less than 50 years by annihilating the army of Valo and Hohtava, the two gods of light were captured and imprisoned by Silkalek himself. Having sacrificed his last created race and in desperate need of an army to protect his last planet and his home the Void of Light, Hizashi created a fifth attempt at making the perfect race and made the Prossawin, Born to be thrown on the battlefield they were not enough souls to fight back against Silkalek army and lost the battle against what would soon become the leader race of the Skorde of Corruption. Before getting his soul destroyed, Hizashi sent 20% of its newly created army to multiple galaxies with the mission of making an alliance capable of destroying Silkalek faction and restoring all corrupted planets to their original form.

(This event in the Prossawin history is called "A Premature Birth Into The Unknown")

1202: Having lost their creator and forced to leave their home planet system, the Prossawin species was slowly rebuilding themselves, scattered around numerous galaxies they built sanctuaries on more than 2,400 planets, knowing controlling more planets would only make them vulnerable and attract the Skorde of Corruption. They planned to stay hidden from the Skorde until they found enough ally species to have a chance of destroying them permanently.

1311: The Prossawin discovered the "Stone of Souls", a stone of legacy left behind by an unknown race in the
Milky Way, System: NI-75, Planet: Jingofa.

1450: The Prossawin found the Cy F Series, a robot army that never rests and was capable of crafting the best type of battleship they have ever seen, they were on the path of finding their creator and told the Prossawin they wanted to participate in a galactic war but had to refuse the invitation of joining the Zally of Light for now. Cypher told Alaniz, to come back and he & his army would gladly join but only if a minimum of 3 species were already in the faction.

1900: The Prossawin found the Humans, a race in the middle of technology evolution, not sure of what their specialty would be they decided to silently watch them evolve.

2080: The Prossawin species saw the Zagnid land on Earth and let them for a little while to see the true power of the Human species if they would combine their force as one.

2090: Once the Prossawin saw the potential that the Humans could bring to their future faction they revealed themselves to help them get rid of the Zagnid from Earth, the Prossawin signed a temporary allied agreement with the Humans.

2094: The Prossawin sign the first intergalactic pact with the Human species, making them, the first allied race to join the future faction, the Zally of Light.

2095: The Prossawin shared their knowledge by giving the Humans access to their data bank inside the Des'Net, including information about all stones of legacy found. 

2985: Using the Des'Net, Alaniz called the leader of the Cy F Series, a robotic race they discovered in the year 1450, telling Cypher that a third race was about to join the Zally of Light and they would like to invite them to join as the fourth race in the faction. Cypher gave a lot of specifications and guidelines to follow after agreeing, Cypher accepted to meet Alaniz and told her that he would come to see if the Zally of Light was the right faction for them.

2993: The Zally of Light was created formally.

3003: The Prossawin helped the Humans to create a new race based upon human genetics but with many augmentations to the physics and mind, the project Clone Soldiers was declared a success.

4900: The application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The "Season Zero" of the "Stones of Legacy" race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current "Stones of Legacy" will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones including the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favor your species or faction."

4999: Cypher manages to pick up a nearby signal from a “Stones of Legacy” a year before season zero ends, knowing this would be the last chance they would get to find and learn a new power during season zero, Raynor, Alaniz, Cypher, and Phenix went with their personal guilds/clans and many other regiments lead by various war heroes and new souls. Locating the planet named "Hyruzac" inside the system SP-6, finding the stone before the season finishes, and not letting the Skorde of Corruption study the ancient knowledge of the stone was now the primary mission of everyone in the faction.