Screamiack Timeline

2409: General Turkal from the famous "Dog of Sheol" Guild, found a life signal inside the system "OR-54".
The “Grand Crusade of Silkalek” marched forward to investigate the system from where the signal was coming.

2411: Once the crusade arrived in the system, Silkalek felt a strange power coming from the "Human" colony on the planet Morta. He didn't want to waste any time and decided to destroy the planet with the "Laser of Mot" from one of their motherships but upon firing the planet did not explode. A barrier was protecting the planet with magical protection never seen before, The Skorde had no choice but to deploy forces on the planet and go destroy the multiple shrines that were stopping them from destroying the planet.

2417: After many years of fighting against the forces of light on the planet "Morta" only two enemy war heroes were left to command the protection of the planet the "Human" General "Adam Meres" and the "Prossawin" General "Fix". Frustrated by all the time he was wasting, Silkalek decided to call back all Elish, Des'Orc, and Zagnid troops to only dispatch his own elite Legion made out of every specie from the Skorde to inflict immeasurable suffering upon them.

2420: Before the Skorde took complete control of the planet, an enemy spaceship left the orbit and warped out of the system. Silkalek legion conquered all the regions on the planet and manage to capture a "Human" General named Adam Meres. The prisoner was transported to the God of Corruption where he was explained how his body would be used to fulfill a ritual for the creation of a fourth race based on his species genetics. As Silkalek was peeling his skin off layer by layer, Adam was seeing how he will be the instrument in the destruction of his species and forced to work for the "Skorde of Corruption" for the rest of his life. Adam's soul was imprisoned within his own mind, enduring endless torment and eternally screaming for help. The purpose of the ritual was to summon a dark banished soul and seize control of the Terran General's body, as well as dominate his mind. Once the ritual was completed, Silkalek gave him the name of Commander Kalomi and asked him what his kind would be called, his first word was, Scream... Screamiack... Kalomi walked near a pile of dead “Human” bodies and corrupted their souls, he then proceeded to resurrect the many corrupted souls he had gathered to build his army of dead from all the corpses of the “Human” on the planet.

2421: Kalomi decided to modify the “Human” "Technology Tree" to suit his own species, ensuring that every item would be adapted and used to promote the forces of corruption. Kalomi now controls more than 80 million "Screamiack and has begun its mission to track and hunt down every system colonized by the “Humans”. As the Commander, he would lead the relentless "Screamiack" through any carnage and massacre to achieve his quest of corrupting the “Humans”.

2430: Kalomi divided his "Screamiack" army, sending multiple legions of the undead from his regiment to defend the systems the Skorde had conquered in the "Milky Way" galaxy. These systems were constantly under attack by the forces of light, and Kalomi wanted to fortify their defense. Meanwhile, Kalomi went with the rest of the species leaders and reunited with his creator who was currently leading the “Grand Crusade”.

3171: While the "Grand Crusade of Silkalek" was attacking the system "MI-09" Kalomi managed to capture a Colonel "Human" named Neil Dart on the planet "Lacko". Kalomi conducted a ritual to separate a portion of his soul and to put it into Colonel Niel Dart body as he was turning him into a "Screamiack" and sealing his soul away. Just like General Adam Meres, Dart was now trapped inside his own mind and forced to watch his body be controlled by someone else, Kalomi named his new creation Kalem. He sent Kalem on a solitary mission to a tier-two Human planet, evaluating his survival skills and observing how he would build an army and conquer the planet. He was also evaluating him to see if he had what it takes to become his right hand and if he would be good for leading "Screamiack" Legions.

3180: Kalem arrived on the planet "Naball" inside the system "SL-12" and started his mission. He knew that capturing an entire fortified “Human” planet with be very hard even for him. Before he gets detected and starts infecting “Humans”, he decides to start by gathering resources and building a small town inside a deadland territory hidden from all "Human" radar acting as a home region on the planet for him and his future army.

3182: After building every production structure and creating basic supplies including small arms and the "Stone of Soul" Kalem decided to start building multiple outposts and bunker bases around the home region. This tactic was to increase the AI defense range that delivers the power to all of his defense structures around the home region. The closer Kalem could build those outpost and bunker bases to the enemy the closer he and his army would have the assistance of AI defense structures and a way to respawn in case they died during combat.

3183: Kalem finishes all the preparation he needs to do before launching his first attack. He decided to strike a small "Human" green mineral field with no AI defense structure, it was a matter of minutes before Kalem killed them all and turned them into Screamiack. He sent his 20 new gatherers back to their home region so they could start gathering resources and start the production of supplies that he and his future army would need in the coming month. Kalem went to capture the next enemy outpost corrupting enemy soldiers and recruiting his first "Screamiack gunners and warriors. With his small army and two new bases captured, he was able to launch an attack on the first territory inside the region while his gatherers feed him and his newly acquired troops the supplies they will need to take down the next enemy base. Many "Human" war heroes were starting to respond to the call to defend the invasion that was beginning on "Naball" but none of them managed to arrive on the planet in time to redeploy and defend the first town that the "Scremiack" was attacking. Kalem and his army captured the territory containing the primary production town within the region. Every "Human" who has been eaten or scratched has turned into a "Screamiack" and any "Human" who has died from a gun wound or has committed suicide before getting in contact with a Screamiack has respawned to the nearest base with a "Stone of Soul" inside of them. Now that Kalem has a small army at his disposal, he made the strategic decision to coordinate and deploy every "Screamiack" soldier simultaneously. Their mission: to conquer each and every territory within the region they were currently invading. He formed a small squad from his newly created company and went to weaken logistic roads connecting with the region they were currently capturing. After seven days of constant attack, the Screamiack army captured every territory inside the region "QollDit". Two days after, five high-rank regiments from the forces of light arrived on “Naball” accompanied by many war heroes and random souls. After capturing the first region on the planet, Kalem continued his world conquest domination by sending multiple full squads to capture and corrupt the two regions nearby. While leading the invasion of the Malagar region, Kalem fought against Kax, Tener, Marov, and their regiments but he and his company were quick to adapt and use the right tactics. They used this first real "regiment battle" to make a name for themself and spread fear in the heart of their enemy by capturing all of their objectives and turning every Human they could find into screamiack.

3184: With three regions now under his control and a total of six on the planet, Kalem felt unstoppable. He knew he and his ever-growing company had enough time to complete the ongoing conquest before the forces of light could send more regiments to the planet. He immediately sent Screamiacks to attack the three regions simultaneously, while he went with a handpicked squad to locate and infect the two regiments’ commanders. Kalem received a message on the Dess Net application from one of his soldiers saying, one of the Human commanders is currently leading an assault on the frontline territories of Louako. Kalem quickly went with his squad to the Louako territory and engaged in a fight against Commander Marthan and his regiment. During the battle against Marthan, Kalem had to fall back and call for support by ordering his army to slow down the invasion that was currently ongoing inside the two other regions so he could have support from a newly infected Human heavy tank squad. After capturing all the territory in the region and infecting the Human Commander Marthan and most of his regiments, Kalem marched toward the penultimate region with his full army, and nothing could stop him.

3185: During the last stand battle, Kalem and Haris fought for over two days. Ultimately, Kalem succeeded in infecting the last regiment commander and completed his main mission. Before contacting Kalomi through the Dess Net application, Kalem performed a gruesome ritual using the bodies of his newly infected Screamiack. He ripped their insides out and impaled them on spikes, totaling more than 20,000. Then, he arranged the six regiment commanders' bodies in the front row, their guts hanging to their knees, and captured the image with this disturbing scene in the background. At that moment, he made the six commanders' heads explode. When Kalomi saw the picture, he was pleased and declared that Kalem was worthy to be his right-hand man.

3200: Kalem and his regiment reunited with Kalomi that was currently following the “Grand Crusade of Silkalek”.

4900: The application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The "Season Zero" of the "Stones of Legacy" race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current "Stones of Legacy" will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones including the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favor your race or faction."

4999: Lord Bawlzas was the first to sense and notify all the other race leaders in the faction about a signal from a Stone of Legacy on the planet "Hyruzac" in the SP-6 system. Every race leader, along with their regiments and many clans and random souls, rushed to the planet, eager to find the last Stone of Legacy before the end of season zero.