Lore Update
"Prossawin Early Timeline Revealed"
The eternal warz of Gods

Prossawin Early Timeline:

In the 1st millennium, three gods of light were chosen and sent on a mission to imprison a god of corruption before he destroy multiple galaxies, Hizashi and his two sons Valo & Hohtava had the mission of creating a race of fighters capable of stopping and annihilating the army of Silkalek and destroying his homeland the "Corrupted Void". Knowing that is enemy's main forces are spectralisk and cant be killed a regular way they had to develop an army not only good in frontline attack but also an army capable of producing and using magical weapons, spells and magical items, their enemy was never resting in achieving greater powers, they knew time was not on their side.

0097: The Gods of Light discovered the "Stone of Net", a stone of legacy left behind by an unknown race.

0105: The first attempt in making the perfect race was created by Hohtava, having the same kind of feature as the spectralisk army of Silkalek but they were lacking in speed, sending is army to the slaughter they held 75 years in a brutal battle and only manage to conquer one of the fourth planets around the "Corrupted Void".

0262: The second attempt was done by Valo using an element of himself he created an army both strong and fast, thinking that merging the remaining army of its brother for the magical side of its army would be enough, they fought for 180 years and manage to capture 3 planets around the "Corrupted Void" before their army were both destroyed.

0450: Hizashi showed his sons how to control their power and fusion together, it's only from this form that you can take the element from you and create the perfect race, and so they retried to make it better than the last time but this time stronger, faster and more intelligent so they can have a better understanding of magic use, but their father was not satisfied by the result and destroy their work.

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