Lore Update 2023-02-18

After more than 9 months I’ve finally finished creating the timeline of the Cy F Series race!! I wasn’t working on it full-time because I spend the last nine months building the structures of four future book series / possible future video games that I'll be working on after our current project + I did youtube videos explaining what you will learn when a "Future Book Series" is released and a video for each of the future books revealed yet. Basically releasing the Cy F Series is a big update because it means that all of the races from the Alliance of Light faction has now their own timeline!!!

Cy F Series Timeline + Outfits Layout Updated
+ New Website In Construction + Road Map Updated

Here is the picture of the Cy F Series timeline, you can also see all events here.

What’s New?

With all the race timelines completed from the Alliance of Light, I thought I would give life to some of the war heroes including the leader of each race, we have also released new outfits for every race of the Alliance.

Here’s what you can find inside the outfits pages:
Concept art of the original or transmog outfit
Outfit Transmog Name
Original Outfit Name
Race and Outfit Class
Original or Transmog Creator
Year of Creation

War Heroes revealed
New Outfits Revealed

What's next?

Creating the timelines for each race from the faction the Horde of Corruption is our current next roadmap goal but I will have to recreate a new brand new website because I have almost reached the maximum pages allowed by Squarespace, this might take me some time but its something needed if I wanna keep releasing information about our first upcoming book series “PW5K WW”.

A little word from Brazz

Do I wanna cry? Yes! Do I take this as a failure? Yes! Am I gonna give up on this? No Way!!
I’m going to use this opportunity to create something I was thinking about while creating the website PlanetWarz5000.com and that was creating the Dess Net data bank (a website where I could store all the information and concept art from the universe of Planet Warz.) You see more that I’m creating the universe of PW and more stuff that’s accumulating its logic but the problem is there is a lot of stuff that is not related to the book or possible future video game of Planet Warz 5000, so I guess nothing happens without a reason, I have created close to 1000 pages inside this website and now it the time I reconvert them inside the website Dessnet.com (you don’t know the meaning of the word pain until you have to rework on the stuff you’ve already finish) talk to you all very soon - Brazz