Lore Update 2023-04-09

Elish Timeline +
Mobile Optimization For Website +
Website Fixes +
New Discord Role +

What’s New?

Thanks to all the training Dess Net Library has acquired while writing the timeline for each race within the Alliance of Light, we can confidently declare that the Elish timeline is now complete and, without a doubt, the longest official timeline created.

The website has been optimized to better support mobile interaction.
(There is still a lot of work to be made)

Inside each “Stone of Legacy” page, there is a link to each Galaxie, System, and Planet where the stone was found and all those links were broken, thanks to our community we got to repair it quickly, don’t estate to contact us via discord or Reddit if you see any problem on our website, or if you think something is not written correctly, English is not my first spoken language and I always think I do a lot of mistakes when I write in English, so don’t be shy and help me make this a better experience for everyone. - Brazz

A new discord role called “Lost Souls” has been added that will be automatically given to any newcomer, this Lost Souls role is only there to give a role to people who don’t choose any role.
(Note that the role “Lost Souls” will always stay even after a role has been chosen and it’s perfectly normal, it will make more sense in the following years.)

Elish Timeline

Here is the picture of the Elish timeline to learn all the details from each event
and more you can visit the “
Elish Timeline” page.

What's next?

While Dess Net Library is getting ready to start working on the first official book series by releasing timelines and information for each of the races, we will start reaching out to our "wished partners and supporters" list before starting our second crowdfunding campaign. The next update should be the timeline of the Des’ork, but I might soon reveal another future book series description with a youtube video explaining its “Early Keys Information”.

A little word from Brazz

One down three to go, I’m happy to tell everyone that this month on the 20 will be Planet Warz third birthday? I’m not really sure, It’s been so long since I first started to write down the game design for Planet Warz 5000 World Warfare. In 2019, I was writing and creating the game document with the idea of giving my document to a triple-a company that would be using the idea for one of their IP, and I never would have taught that I would be one day creating my own Fantasy Sci-Fi universe to help me out creating my own video game, OUR VIDEO GAME because I want everyone to create a story they would like to tell and make revenue or make it for free. It has almost been three years since I started to create the lore of Planet Warz and I might be one year away from being ready to start working on the first official book series things are moving very fast lately and we never know what can happen, if I receive the funding I would need to stay at home to work on this full time all dates could change, talk to you all very soon
much love to everyone who has been supporting us over the years. - Brazz