Background & Religion: When the Human race learned how to manipulate the light and how it works they focused their attention on building the best type of spaceship with the use of this new source of energy. After finding out about the existence and proof that they were once gods of light fighting the corruption in the universe, they have since become fanatics and directed all prayers and energies toward these gods. The mind and soul of a Human are easily corruptible and only those with high faith can be protected against the force of corruption.

Military Ranking System: Their hierarchy is based upon old military fashion Ranking, Total War Contribution, and Classe experience system, The Human is the most strict race when it comes down to the military ranking system by evaluating their souls in all three categories, It's only centuries ago they added a new Loyalty ranking system to favor the soul who has pleased the most these gods of light.

Specialization and Weakness: The Human army has the best aircraft and the most generals in all the Zally, their body is maybe the weakest in many ways, but for what they lack they give it back by being the fastest when it comes down to crafting supplies and items, with the best engineers and scientists in the faction. the Human race is the fastest when it comes down to Technology upgrade speed.

Armors & Weapons Type: To protect their body the Humans had to evolve their armors and clothing style year after year, they have now found what seems to be the best for them, a Leatheran Armors and a full-body shield. Specializing in all one-hand weapons they prefer dual-wielding weapons like pistols, smg, and shotgun, short swords, they also like to work with books and wands. The Human specie is the first creator and master of light swords.
