Human Timeline

In the year 2060, the Human race discovered an unusually strong signal that was coming from space, the only thing researchers and scientists could make out of the signal was the name, Des'Net.

2066: The Human now understands that the Des’Net is an always-connected online service that works throughout all observable universes. They barely understood it, they suspected that this network must have been made by a higher race or some kind of AI as all their best mathematicians, hackers, and scripters could not even come close to understanding the coding behind this new type of internet.

(This chapter in Human history is called "Humanity First Contact a Descent in the Abyss".)

2080: Human’s first hostile contact, the Zagnid race crashlanded with a meteor on earth and fought against the Humans. During ten years a brutal war has been waged over the planet's territories, the Zagnids killed 6 billion human life and almost pushed the Human race to extinction.

2090: Human first friendly contact, The Prossawin race arrives on earth just in time to save the Human race that was getting overrun by the Zagnid, after a rough start between the Prossawin & the Human, a temporary allied agreement was signed. They showed the Humans how to kill and destroy all Zagnid nests from the earth and in a matter of 3 years, all invaders were purged.

2093: The Prossawin species taught the Humans that all living, lost or dead souls throughout every universe as a part to play in the Des'net. This internet is commonly used to post, search or share and store data collected, it can even show live map intel from distant planets, this network was meant to archive the evolution of a civilization and write down its technological advancement, it should contain information like all species and races ever encountered. One data bank is given to every race, this data bank can also be shared with allied races, the Prossawin advises that every Human should learn how to use and rely on it daily. We now know and understand that we cannot change or control how the Des’Net works, it's the most powerful source of network ever created, it is impossible to hack.

2094: The Humans signed the first intergalactic pact with the Prossawin race and started trading supplies and materials and work together on creating a race of clones based on Human genetics and multiple other projects that could potentially save the Human species like upgrading all their spaceship.

2095: The Prossawin share their knowledge by giving the Humans access to their data bank inside the Des'Net, including information about all stones of legacy found.

(The year 2100 marks the beginning of the “Age of Discovery” for the Terrans race.)

2100: The “Great Colonization” mission began.

2110: The Human race sent on a mission 300 Colonization Cruser with young and old souls in each. All “Col. Cruser” had a different fixed destination on an unknown low-danger planet to build, and prepare cities and outposts in case of a need to migrate the main base of the Human race or the need to defend or support an invasion from the strategic planet.

2420: Multiple “Col. Cruser” have sent distress messages and some have gone silent but the most terrifying news was the rumours of a colony on a strategic planet had fallen under 1 week by a new race from the Skorde of Corruption never seen before, the only description of them we have is from the last update the colony of Adam Meres sent, a soldier was telling "they are Human, It's us, they transform General Meres into some kind of monster! don't come here! Requesting an orbital strike on planet U-103" message ended.

2603: The Major General "T Guy" and his clan the “ROL” with many other souls were sent to a planet to investigate an unusual signal of electricity usage, “T Guy” & his clan discovered two new races, one made out of some kind of metal and strong wire passing covering exposed areas called the “Cy F Series”, and the other race seems to be very aggressive and determinate to win at all coast with a burning fire in their eyes the “Des’Orc” skin can adapt colours depending their surrounding ranging in between pale white in the desert or greenish when hunting in the forest. The Major General talked with the “Cy F Series” General in charge of the operation on this planet, this conversation was not archived in the “Des’Net” Files.

2990: At the end of the second Millennium, humanity was at a breaking point, fighting against 3 different races all working together the Human Leaders had no choice but to make a truce throughout all its colonized planets including the ones who turned rebel over the years. The Humans & the Prossawin increased their chance of survival by gathering an army strong enough to resist the horde that was slowly invading all conquered galaxies, showing other races in the “Milky Ways”, divided we break, together we stand strong. - John Raynor

2993: A reunion has been ordered by the saviours of the Human species “Mack Phenix”, later known as the leader of the Clone Soldiers, calling upon all races inside neighbourhood solar systems to fight alongside humanity against this dark energy that was spreading fast and was starting to emerge everywhere inside the galaxy. The leaders of three races were present at the creation of the “Zally of Light”, “Mack Phenix” representing the Human race at the time, the mastermind "Cypher" creator of the “Cy F Series” an army of robots & the last Chief "Alaniz" of the “Prossawin” specie was here to enlight us about the danger we were all about to face. The three races all agreed to form an alliance so they can destroy the ”Skorde of Corruption” once and for good and so the “Zally of Light” was created.

3003: The project Clone Soldiers was declared a success with the help of the Prossawin technology. "Mack Phenix" took the role of the leader of this new augmented species of Human soldiers, before leaving he gave his role of Human Commander to "John Raynor" so he could replace him as the next leader of the Human species, something John has waited for years.

(The year 3005 marks the beginning of the “Age of Technologies” for the Human & Clone Soldier race.)

4900: The application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The "Season Zero" of the Stones of Legacy race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current Stones of Legacy will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones including the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favour your species or faction."

4999: Cypher manages to pick up a nearby signal from a Stones of Legacy a year before season zero ends, knowing this would be the last chance they would get to find and learn a new power during season zero, Raynor, Alaniz, Cypher, and Phenix went with their personal guilds/clans and many other regiments lead by various war heroes and new souls. Locating the planet named "Hyruzac" inside the system SP-6, finding the stone before the season finishes, and not letting the “Skorde of Corruption” study the ancient knowledge of the stone was now
the primary mission of everyone in the faction.