Zagnid Timeline

-2712: During the dark green eclipse event on the planet "LaNid," inside a pool of nest of "Zagno", four malformed eggs hatched earlier than anticipated... After breaking free from their eggs, the newborns were carefully taken in by the oldest arachnid species known as "Zagdaka”. Meticulously selecting the names Zagnara, Fuak, Turan, and Zagnok, the leader of the "Zagdaka", issued a grave warning to all "Zagdaka Advisors". He declares that these four newborns will bring about the realization of the ancient "Zagnid Prophecy", as prophesied by the old advisors. They were considered to be the future evolution of their kind, but also the death bringer to all of their species.

-2710: Zagnara was feeling like she and her brothers had been living in a nightmare every day since they were born, none of the other arachnid species were talking to them or even looking at them. The four Zagnids were on their own to survive among billions of other arachnids from the seven combat species. Zagnara elaborated a plan that she and her three brothers would have to do separately, they all felt that not only they were stronger but also more fast and intelligent than all of their predecessor species, they sensed fear but also something strange like the other arachnid species was hiding something from them. Their mission was to infiltrate all of the seven arachnid species and see if they could find information about the "Zagnid Prophecy" and come back with the information at their lair.

-2708: While growing and training on their home planet named “LaNid” inside the system “ALE-79”, Galaxy “Yezon”, the "Zagdaka" leader named Zagnoros was seeing all the potential they were hoping and fearing for inside the four firstborn "Zagnid", but more precisely in Zagnara. All the other arachnid species were fearing them because the "Zagnid" were cannibals and would mainly feed on any arachnid species. Zagnara decided to take her time and not lay eggs for the time being and decided to stay with her three brothers, the thrill of the battle and hunting for her next prey was too great to stop.

-2700: As feared by the "Zagdaka", the "Zagnid" discovered that by consuming the bodies of their seven predecessor arachnid species, they will gain the extraordinary ability to transform their bodies type at any time into any of the seven arachnid forms making them the perfect arachnid evolution.

-2699: Fuak went to study the “Zaglilos" specie.

-2699: Zagnara went to study the “Zagno" specie.

-2699: Turan went to study the “Zagma" specie.

-2699: Zagnok went to study the “Zagteka" specie.

-2697: Zagnara came back from studying the “Zagno" specie but found nothing.

-2696: Fuak returned from studying the “Zaglilos" specie but found nothing.

-2696: Turan returned from studying the “Zagma" specie but found nothing.

-2695: "Zagnok" came back from studying the “Zagteka" specie but did not find anything, the four first “Zagnid” decided to continue their search by investigating the other arachnid species they hadn’t studied yet.

-2694: Fuak went to study the “Zaglis" specie.

-2694: Zagnara went to study the “Zagmou" specie.

-2694: Turan and Zagnok went to study the “Zagdur" specie.

-2687: Turan and Zagnok came back from studying the “Zagdur" specie but found nothing.

-2686: Fuak returned from studying the “Zaglis" specie but found nothing.

-2685: Zagnara returned from studying the "Zagmou" species and uncovered the true meaning of the "Zagnid Prophecy". She shared with her brothers that the prophecy spoke of a superior race within the Arachnid species, destined to eradicate and replace the existing ones. This prophecy has seeded fear in all Arachnid species for over 30,000 years. She also revealed to them the power of "body type transformation" that they could acquire, every time they would kill a leader of the seven combat Arachnid species and destroy the "AZ Barrier" that stopped Zagnara from creating an army. The seven combat arachnid species had the sole purpose of stopping the "Zagnid Prophecy" from happening. However, from the moment the four "Zagnids" were born, all arachnids knew the end was near for them, even the leaders of all arachnid species could not rival the four first Zagnids. The seven combat arachnid species could only fortify their defenses and brace themselves for the inevitable upcoming battle.

(The "Zagnid Prophecy" As Begun.)

-2684: Together the four “Zagnid” war heroes begin to fulfill the grim prophecy that was written for them. Their first target was on the planet "Zafo" inside the system “CALQ-622”, the home planet of the "Zagno" species, their mission was to exterminate and destroy the first of the seven "AZ Barrier" that was stopping them from building an army of Zagnid.

-2678: With such a huge power difference, Zagnara, Fuak, Turan, and Zagnok, didn't have any problem killing ten million and more “Zagno” by themselves, no inferior specie could stop them from achieving their mission. While killing all the leaders that were defending the "AZ Barrier" they destroyed their first objective and learned their first transformation. The four “Zagnid” war heroes left the planet to go and attack the "Zagma" specie on the planet "Virrmog" inside the system "LAA-323".

-2674: The four Zagnid easily exterminated every "Zagma" on the planet and took the building blueprint of the best spaceship ever created by an arachnid species. After destroying the second they decided to separate themself so the process of killing the seven combat species would go faster since things as been way too easy too far.

-2674: Zagnara left for the system "TTY-42" on the planet "Noea" to destroy the "Zaglilos".

-2674: Turan left for the system "VAO-1" on the planet "Toras" to destroy the "Zagteka".

-2674: Zagnok left for the system "UO-54" on the planet "Toras" to destroy the "Zaglis".

-2674: Fuak left for the system "OO-7" on the planet "Toras" to destroy the "Zagmou".

-2668: Zagnara successfully destroyed her objective inside the system "TTY-42" and exterminated all "Zaglilos".

-2668: Zagnara went to help and gather up all of her brothers so they could lead the attack on the last two species together.

-2667: Turan successfully destroyed his objective inside the system "VAO-01" and exterminated all "Zagteka".

-2667: Zagnok successfully destroyed his objective inside the system "UO-54" and exterminated all "Zaglis".

-2666: Fuak successfully destroyed his objective inside the system "OO-7" and exterminated all "Zagmou".

-2665: The four Zagnid war heroes arrived on the planet "Yuyuyo" inside the system "ERT-98" to destroy the last species of the seven combat arachnids. The "Zagdur" was the strongest species of the arachnid family but the power of the "Zagnid" was too strong to be stopped, now manipulating six combat body types Zagnara couldn't wait to start this final battle and achieve her ultimate goal.

-2655: After killing the last "Zagdur" war heroes, the four "Zagnid" learned their seventh body transformation and were able to destroy the final "AZ Barrier" and lift up the magical protection that was preventing Zagnara from laying eggs and build an army of "Zagnid".

-2654: After leading her three brothers against the seven arachnid combat species, Zagnara made a consequential decision. She will be creating an army before eliminating the oldest, wisest, and only passive species of the arachnid family just to show the "Elder Advisors" they are the true evolution. She chose to construct an immense nest and lay eggs from her body for the first time and so, create the first army of "Zagnid", she knew this would come with the price of putting her life in danger as most of her babies would try to devour her. Zagnara issued a firm command to her three brothers, instructing them to protect and defend her throughout and after the hatching event. Fuak, Turan, and Zagnok fought like mad beasts, eliminating over 180,000 untameable "Zagnid" while defending their sister. As their mother and future Queen, Zagnara demonstrated her ability by calming and influencing the minds of over 920,000 of her newborn "Zagnid" offspring. She strategically divided her formidable army, assigning them the task of protecting her three brothers and herself during the imminent assault on the "Zagdaka" and targeting all the "Elder Advisors" for elimination.

-2652: Now that Queen Zagnara has an army to command and three war heroes that she can blindly rely on, she decides to send all her forces to invade and build planetary defenses in every strategic system inside the galaxy "Yezon" while she will pay a visit to the "Zagdaka" for the last time.

-2651: Queen Zagnara arrived alone on the planet "GOUYE" in the “VBG-23” system, where the home planet of the Zagdaka was located. Her goal was to prove the "Zagnid" evolution was the only arachnid species needed by slaying anything in her path while making her way to challenge the "Elder Advisors" to a series of games. Winning would prove to them her intelligence was greater than theirs and establish the "Zagnid" as the ultimate arachnid species in her heart.

-2103: Zagnara came back with a “Zagdaka” named Zooka to meet her three brothers, together they went back to their home planet named "LaNid" to rebuild a new army before invading a new galaxy using their FA-SShip Model 98.

-1569: Queen Zagnara now commands an army of 10 billion “Zagnid“.

-1350: The Zagnid specie began their invasion inside the “Lisoa” Galaxy.

-0440: The Zagnid effortlessly exterminated the “Koil” and now 75% of the strategic system inside the “Lisoa” Galaxy.

-0640: The Zagnid started to fight against the “Youra” specie inside the “Lisoa” Galaxy.

-0992: 100% of the strategic system inside the “Lisoa” Galaxy is now under the control of the “Zagnid” and the “Youra” was pushed out of the galaxy.

1440: The Zagnid specie began their invasion inside the “Milky Way” galaxy.

1998: After capturing multiple systems inside the “Milky Way” galaxy, the “Zagnid” met a faction called the “Horde of Corruption”, Inside this faction were multiple allied species including the "Elish" and the "Des'Orc". The first battle against the "Skorde of Corruption" started on the planet "Loam" in the system "CO-09" where Zagnara and her brothers meet in combat with Lord Bawlzas and Goultar, realizing they were all at risk of getting killed by this new enemy the trio of brothers decided to escape with their queen and fall back to one of their conquered system nearby.

1999: The “Skorde of Corruption” took all the territory captured by the “Zagnid” inside the “Milky Way” Galaxy and sent a message to Queen Zagnara, the message was an invitation to join the faction which Zagnara refused.

2007: 30% of the strategic system inside the “Lisoa” Galaxy is now under the control of the “Skorde of Corruption”.

2020: 100% of the strategic system inside the “Lisoa” Galaxy is now under the control of the “Skorde of Corruption”.

2024: The “Skorde of Corruption” began their attack on the “Yezon” galaxy.

2035: 55% of the strategic system inside the “Yezon” Galaxy is now under the control of the “Skorde of Corruption”.

2045: 85% of the strategic system inside the “Yezon” Galaxy is now under the control of the “Skorde of Corruption”.

2047: Even though she didn’t want to surrender or admit defeat, Queen Zagnara was seeing billions of her Zagnid soldiers die and all her best war heroes getting massacred by the forces of corruption. With their home planet in danger of destruction, Queen Zagnara agreed to have a meeting with Silkalek who claims to be the leader of the faction. He made a promise to her that the "Zagnid" army would have full control over their actions and always face strong enemies to defeat. She had no other choice but to join or be exterminated, she agreed and the "Zagnid" specie joined the "Skorde of Corruption".

2065: The “Zagnid” specie sent multiple "GA-Meteors" inside the galaxy "Milky Way" mainly aiming
at systems controlled by the Prossawin.

2080: A “GA-Meteor” led by multiple war heroes fell on the planet "Earth", The “Zagnid” was the first one to discover the Human species inside the "Milky Way" galaxy. The impact of the landing from the "GA-Meteor" killed 4 Billion Humans before even commencing the planetary invasion.

2090: After conquering 75% of the planet region and killing more than 6 billion Humans, the "Zagnid" discover that the "Prossawin has arrived on the planet and plans to ally with the "Human". When Alaniz, leader of the "Prossawin" was spotted on "Earth" protecting the Human, the primary objective of the "Zagnid" on the planet shifted as they were now ordered to first focus all their attention on exterminating every "Prossawin" on the planet. Many "Zagnid" regiments led by legendary war heroes left the front line action to go inside the backline enemy territory on a mission to capture or assassinate the most wanted "Prossawin" written on Silkalek list.

2092: The “Zagnid” lost 65% of their captured region on the planet “Earth”.

2093: After losing most of their factory and all of their captured region, The "Zagnid" was quickly running out of basic supplies including stones of soul since the resource inside their home territory was not enough to make them survive the waves of "Human" and "Prossawin" regiments that were constantly attacking them. Three years ago the "Zagnid" sent a message via the app inside the "Skorde of Corruption" "Intel Chat" telling everyone that Alaniz was spotted on the planet "Earth" but reinforcement never came. During the last stand on the planet, many regiments died because all stones of soul were depleted and souls couldn't be resurrected anymore, the last standing "Zagnid" regiment on the planet was led by Zagneer, he and his clan named "Zwarg", massacred enemy soldiers one by one until their own lives were extinguished.

2674: The “Zagnid” sent multiple “GA-Meteors” into the “Milky Way” galaxy, aiming at the “SL-01” system.

3453: Zagnara received the information that the multiple “GA-Meteors” sent inside the “Milky Way” galaxy were intercepted and destroyed before reaching their destination, slaying 5 billion "Zagnid" in the process. The enraged Queen and her three brothers decided to separate themself to look inside the "Milky Way" and find who or what was responsible for this act.

3642: Turan started to invade the system “RP-82”.

3621: Zagnara started to invade the system “UA-62”.

3790: Fuak started to invade the system “EE-41”.

3855: Zagnok continues to explore the galaxy looking for a “Stone of Legacy” and its many secrets.

3941: Zagnara successfully invaded the system “UA-62” and took control of all its planet in the name of
the “Skorde of Corruption” faction.

3999: Turan successfully invaded the system “RP-82” and took control of all its planet in the name of
the “Skorde of Corruption” faction.

4120: Fuak successfully invaded the system “RP-82” and took control of all its planet in the name of
the “Skorde of Corruption” faction.

4900: The application sent a message to all its users saying, “Warning, Incoming Message. The "Season Zero" of the Stones of Legacy race draws near, in 100 years an update inside the Dess.Net will occur and a new season will be starting. At the beginning of the year 5000, The six current Stones of Legacy will disappear and be replaced at a new location with six new stones including the ones that have not been found during this season. When the time comes, the Stones will be scattered across the galaxy known as "Juraso," marking the commencement of a brand-new season, May luck favor your species or faction."

4984: Zagnok felt an intense surge of power from a nearby system as if the "Stone of Legacy" was calling out to be found. He contacted his brothers and the Queen, but Turan and Fuak couldn't join. Zagnok and Zagnara ventured forth together, eagerly anticipating the right moment to be shown the way and guided toward their ultimate destination.

4999: Zagnok felt an immense power coming from the planet “Hyruzac” inside the system “SP-6”. Knowing the "Season Zero" of the "Stone of Legacy" race was finishing in one year, Zagnara and Zagnok didn't waste any time and set off in their spaceship towards "Hyruzac" in search of the last stone they would have the chance to find during season zero.