Lore Update
More than 45 new things have been added or updated +
Kickstarter Campaign Updated +
New Community Soundtracks +
Official Songs, In-Universe Signer +
War Heroes Section Updated +
Home System In Timelines +

Wishlist the Kickstarter
Crowdfunding Campaign
We are still building anticipation for the “Kickstarter Campaign” while working to gather more wishlists. We’ve been rolling out new videos and staying active on social media to attract a wider audience. Our goal is to hit 100 wishlists before officially launching the campaign,
your support in spreading the word is crucial!
A new update happened on Kickstarter and we can now display information on the pre-launch page YAY!!
You can now find a lot of information about the campaign before the release!
Things like:
Disclaimer about the book. (What to expect)
Crowdfunding Campaign Overview &
Why A Kickstarter Campaign?Audio Playlist.
Quick Planet Warz Universe Overview.
Discover The Two Factions & The Eight Species That Will Be In The Book Series.
Explore The Milky Way Galaxie & All The Systems.
What Are The Chudolz Pets.
Community Comes First.
Stretch Goal (Our Real Goal).
And so much more! Be sure to wishlist the crowdfunding campaign
It's the last step before we officially launch!

Community Soundtracks
Community members have recently released four soundtracks and we want to thank you all so much for taking the time to make the universe of Planet Warz so freaking EPIC! (L)
Right now there are more than nine community soundtracks, CRAZYYYYY!!!
Artist: Chipsmolle
OST Name: New World
OST Number: 09
Song Link: SoundCloud
Artist: Chipsmolle
OST Name: New Born
OST Number: 06
Song Link: SoundCloud, Youtube
Artist: Chipsmolle, Zouluo66TTV
OST Name: The Demon Lairs
OST Number: 07
Song Link: SoundCloud, Youtube
Artist: Chipsmolle
OST Name: This Life Of Sorrow
OST Number: 08
Song Link: SoundCloud
Artist: Leo Lancaster
OST Name: #4
OST Number: 05
Song Link: SoundCloud, Youtube
Artist: Leo Lancaster
OST Name: #3 (funky space)
OST Number: 04
Song Link: SoundCloud, Youtube

In-universe Singers &
Official Songs & Soundtracks
So I started to check out what I can do to release some soundtrack and maybe songs for the universe of Planet Warz because I’m a musical artist after all… I started to work on some songs and instrumentals but then I found this music AI called “Suno” that lets you create incredible songs or instrumentals and guess what if you buy their subscription all the song belongs to you!! This is crazy and I hope you understand that I’m alone working on a project bigger than nature…
My main goal with the universe of Planet Warz is to create something truly living in every form and music is one of my favorites! I will create bands and singers that will live inside the universe! They will release songs and soundtracks which will be considered official. These songs could be used for the book series or inside the video games. Spoiler alert “We have an album for the upcoming prologue and main book series of PW5K WW”.
Artist: Carter
OST Name: Echoes of Souls
OST Type: OS
OST Number: 01
Song Link: Smart Link, Youtube.
Artist: Rebelle
OST Name: Bring Her Home
OST Type: OS
OST Number: 03
Song Link: Smart Link, Youtube.
Artist: Jaxzon
OST Name: Electric Skies
OST Type: OS
OST Number: 02
Song Link: Smart Link, Youtube
Artist: Fallen Souls
OST Name: Voices of the Fallen
OST Type: OS
OST Number: 04
Song Link: Smart Link, Youtube

Species Leaders
We have changed the way we display each of the species leaders and added more information to be discovered like
Home planet
Home system
Home galaxy
and so much more
We have also updated the artwork of many species leaders and added more recent ones.
Update Logs
The Patreon page of Make Souvenirs Entertainment has been upgraded.
Two community members have worked together to create a new community soundtrack!!
The timeline of the Elish has been updated with new information about their home system and galaxy.
The first official song set inside the Planet Warz universe has been released!!
The main page of the “Planet Warz 5000 Website” has been updated.
The second official song set inside the Planet Warz universe has been released.
The video game feature page has been refreshed and has a new look.
Some links inside the website quick menu have been renamed.
The Clone Soldier war hero “Bob Blazko” has been renamed “Bob Blazz”.
The third official song set inside the Planet Warz universe has been released.
The “Souls & War Heroes” artwork section of the Human species has been updated.
All the Cy F Series sections have been updated with a new background color.
All the Zagnid sections have been updated with a new background color.
The military ranks for all 8 species have been created, making a total of 152 ranks (19 for each species). They will be revealed when we release the “Classes” section for all species.
The 4th official song set inside the Planet Warz universe has been released.

What's next?
My goal is to launch a collection of miniatures for every species in “Planet Warz 5000 World Warfare” by the end of this year. Although I won't have time to complete the entire rule set for the tabletop game, the community will still have the opportunity to see and order, or print and paint, their favorite miniatures at home. For this project, I'm following the same approach as when I first started creating the visual of the universe, utilizing the Hero Forge platform to design all the species armies.
Additionally, in the next update I plan to focus on the Chudolz pets section soon.
A little word from Brazz
I need to hire a book editor so he can check out the first chapter so I can release it as soon as I can. Trust me I want this more than anyone else but the process is long and I need to stop reworking the chapter and just send it to an editor! After the first chapter is released we will launch the Kickstarter campaign for the book series. I FREAKING CANT WAIT. Love you all, have a great day, and talk to you all soon. - Brazz